Rescue Mission: Rock Bottom is an action-adventure game developed by RavenBane, dlambert27, and NickMarcos.
In this game, you play as Fred, who embarks on a perilous quest to survive and find his friends after they are swarmed by fierce creatures in a rocky cave.
Key Features:
Challenging Levels: Navigate through three levels of a rocky cavern, battling enemies like Ice Bats, crystal turtles, lava salamanders, goblins, and the deadly Sand Ogres.
Elemental Powers: Defeat foes to gain powerful elemental abilities that enhance Fred's combat skills.
Immersive Lore: Discover hidden lore and catalog Fred's journal entries throughout the adventure.
Movement: ASWD
Jump: J
Ground Pound: K
Attack: X
Special Attack: V
Interact: Spacebar
Developed using Unity, the game is available for Windows and can be downloaded for free, with an option to support the developers.
Embark on this thrilling rescue mission and determine whether you can succeed or hit rock bottom.